#95 –Cristine Hull - Not a Narcissistic Magnet - Hotness without the Histrionics

1 year ago

Episode Notes

Cristine Hull's Biography

In my Frequency Level Training, I refer to Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde as the divided self. Through my vast personal experience in a wide range of frequency levels, I can now securely embody both the higher and lower versions of myself. So please allow me to introduce myself as Dr. Price and Mrs. Hull. As Cristine Price, Ph.D., I earned a doctorate in Natural Medicine and a Master’s degree in psychology.  I practiced integrative mental health for over two decades and authored various self-help tools in nutrition, recovery, and emotional transformation. Several of my modalities, including Quantum Wholeness Meditation and The Complete EFT Method, have been accredited internationally.  I've trained over thirty EFT Practitioners in what is being rebranded as Zero Meridian Technique. You can learn more at CristinePrice.com (no h in Cristine) In 2020 I felt called to the mission of raising consciousness through meditation practice and established www.AMillionAtOne.com as a catalyst for a million meditators. The current intention of our online group meditation is to raise the frequency of mental health solutions in Utah. In 2020, I also began what I refer to as the Third Awakening process. Over the next two years, I found the faith and courage to walk away from a luxury lifestyle and the world my husband and I had shared for seventeen years. I could no longer ignore the authenticity of my soul and felt the timeliness of attracting my soul mate. Four months after my divorce was final, I met Todd Hull. We made our vows on 11-11-22, manifesting the double doorway I entered eleven years earlier. I began 2023 by formally changing my name to Cristine Hull, which will be the author name for a series of upcoming fictional novels (still no H in Cristine). I now play as much as I work, if not more. My teenage daughter and I snowboard/ski in the winter and catch the sun on beaches in the summer. Todd and I find dopamine in sober ways balanced with AA meetings, traditional church, and Transcendental Meditation. I'm now a grandma with a zen garden/sandbox in the backyard. Most importantly, I live and love my soul every day.

Leta Greene