#12 –Shala Dawn (She/They)

Gender fluidity, Sexuality, and Religion

2 years ago

Shala Dawn (She/They)

Welcome to the #ShareYourHotness podcast Episode 12!

Meet my friend Shala, 1/2 of the genius behind my media company, VanGarrett Media. :) They're an entrepreneur, they're a mom, she's a spouse, and she's a wonderfully gender-fluid human.

Some people may (and sometimes do) ask how Shala and I can be friends, given that we are vastly different people. Thank you for asking. Allow me to enlighten you:

Shala and I have far more in common than we have in contrast, especially when it comes to our ability to see and love people from all walks of life. I first met Shala and their spouse Chris in 2019, and both of them instantly impressed me with their real desire to know and understand me, long before they attempted to woo me as a client. We became fast friends, and before our meeting was over, I knew they were the ones to help me.

We get into the weeds on this one, covering subjects ranging from gender-fluidity (admittedly, something I'm still learning about), to sexuality, to how to accept and love yourself as you are.

I even cry. A little. :)

Join us, won't you?

Leta Greene